Untapped potential


Changing perceptions on the role of women in the rubber industry.

From farms, plantations, rubber factories, and businesses, women make up 60% of the rubber sector. But their roles are often tied to farms and plantations, which require long hours everyday to maintain a low income. Lack of resources, knowledge, skills, and time make it difficult to learn how to increase their productivity or pursue entrepreneurial opportunities that can grow their income.

Since 2018, CARE International has been implementing Generating Rubber Opportunities in Myanmar (GRO) to improve women’s access to technical services, increase their inclusion in the value chain and grow their economic capacity. As part of the GRO project Bridge produced a series of animated videos to shine a light on unique challenges faced by women in rubber industry and how their involvement can contribute to the local economy and communities.


CARE International

Promote women's participation in economic and entrepreneurial initiatives in the rubber industry

Men and women in smallholder rubber farms and rubber value chain actors in Myanmar

Type of work
Animation, Illustration, Storytelling

Gender Equality, Economic Empowerment, Livelihoods, Agriculture



Our videos target not just women but also men in the rubber sector who can provide support by creating an enabling environment. The videos highlight three important messages:

1) Growth in women’s income and its direct impact on the growth of the local economy

2) Constraints that limit women’s access to training and services such as lack of time, knowledge, skills, technology, support, and participation in the decision making process

3) Opportunities and resources for women to participate in the rubber sector to generate income through entrepreneurial activities



Our animation direction was taken with careful considerations for time and budget available. We opted for a style with subtle, small movements to shorten production time and to maintain interactivity with the audience.


Pearl of Shwebo


Sarr Kyi!